Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 1, 2016 Departing Missionary Dinner and Testimony Meeting

At the Mission Home

 Back row from left: E. Haney, E. Alarcon, E. Ah You, E. Dender
Front row: S. Ortiz, S. Hunsaker, S. Seo, E. Hunsaker
(But the Hunsakers aren't leaving until later this month!)

We love you!!

Mighty prayer, deep faith, and high expectations...forever

February 29, 2016 Arriving Missionaries!

We're excited to welcome 4 arriving missionaries,
3 from the Provo MTC and 1 from the Mexico City CCM

From left: Elder Jung, Sister Kosoltrakul, Sister Farnsworth, and Sister Asay

Welcome to the California Los Angeles Mission!

February 12 Departing Missionary Temple Session

At the Temple

From left: E. Ah You, E. Alarcon, S. Seo, S. Ortiz, E. Haney, E. Dender

In front of the Los Angeles Temple

February 1, 2016 Arriving Missionary

Elder Vega arrived in the mission today!

Elder Vega (center)
 with companions E. Lozada (left) and E. Laudermilch (right)

Welcome to the California Los Angeles Mission!